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BlendShape Corrective


These tabs will allow you to create Corrective Blendshapes. They enable you to fix your animations and address any rig issues that are correctable. This allows you to fine-tune your animations to make them as polished as possible.

toolskit blednshape

To begin, you need to select your mesh and press "Create Corrective BlendShape". This will initialize the blendshape system. After doing this, it will create a group with your model as a reference for the blendshape (don't delete this group).

toolskit blednshape

after pressing the button

toolskit blednshape

Then, to start creating your corrective blendshapes, go to the frame that needs correction and press "Paint Blendshape". Once done, your model will turn blue (the color can be changed in the settings), and at this point, you can move the vertices and sculpt your mesh as desired.

toolskit blednshape

after pressing the button

toolskit blednshape

Once you are satisfied with your correction, simply press "Apply BlendShape". However, before doing so, you need to choose the number of frames for the BlendShape activation.

The "Number of Frames" parameter allows you to determine how quickly the blendshape will be applied and how quickly it will disappear.

toolskit blednshape

after pressing the button

toolskit blednshape

exemple with vidéo

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